
Thao Wessuwan

$147.30 $117.84

• Provides strong protection and warding.
• Brings power and authority.
• Assists in overcoming enemies or obstacles.
• Enhances personal strength and courage.
• Grants blessings and divine support.
• Guards against negative energies and entities.
• Promotes success and achievement.
• Fosters spiritual growth and enlightenment.

1 in stock

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Thao Wessuwan , also known as Vessavana, is a deity or yaksha in Buddhist and Hindu mythology who is primarily associated with wealth, protection, and the guardianship of the northern direction. In Buddhism, Thao Wessuwan is considered to be one of the Four Heavenly Kings or Four Great Kings, who are tasked with protecting the world from evil and helping to ensure the welfare of all beings. In Hinduism, Thao Wessuwan is known as Kubera, the god of wealth and prosperity.

According to Buddhist and Hindu mythology, Thao Wessuwan is depicted as a fierce-looking deity, usually with a sword or a spear in hand, and is often depicted with a mongoose, which is said to be his emblem. In the Buddhist tradition, Thao Wessuwan is also believed to be the guardian of the yakshas, a class of nature spirits, and is said to have the power to protect and provide wealth to those who pay homage to him. His role as a protector of the northern direction is also seen as a symbol of his ability to protect one’s home and family.

Thao Wessuwan is an important figure in Thai Buddhism and is often depicted in Thai Buddhist art and architecture, particularly in the form of statues and images in temples and shrines. His image is also sometimes used in the creation of amulets and talismans, which are believed to offer protection and good fortune to those who wear them.

Additional information

Weight 28 g
Dimensions 3.4 × 1.5 × 5.7 cm

Blocks Black Magic, Courage & Strength, Protection, Spiritual Guidance

