Phra Sangkachai


• Grants longevity and good health.
• Attracts prosperity and abundance.
• Brings fertility and successful relationships.
• Enhances wisdom and spiritual growth.
• Offers protection and wards off dangers.
• Brings good luck and opportunities.
• Fosters kindness and compassion.
• Grants blessings and spiritual guidance.

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Phra Sangkachai is known as the Fat Monk by most, and his picture was shown with his hands supporting his stomach and a protruding belly. Phra Sangkachai is also known as the wealth Buddha as he inherited tremendous wealth since birth. He became a philosopher and had many followers and worshippers seeking money. Other than wealth, he also had an abundance of food and grains. Phra Sangkachai looked after the poor children in the ancient Vaishali.
The Buddha praised Phra Sangkachai for his excellence in explaining the sophisticated Dharma quickly and understanding to people. Phra Sangkachai was also known for composing the Madhupindika Sutta.
Many farmers in Asia worshipped Phra Sangkachai as he was famous for his wealth and grains. At the start of the rainy season, his statue would be taken to the paddy field and worshipped with flowers and food. The farmers would then pray for a good harvest for the rest of the year.
One folktale relates that Phra Sangkachai is so handsome that even a man wants him to be his wife. According to another legend, Phra Sangkachai is frequently compared to the Buddha and finds it inappropriate; hence, he disguises himself as a fat monk.
Statuettes frequently feature Phra Sangkachai’s likeness. His image is uncommon in amulet form, requiring 3D effects to create the bulging belly.

Additional information

Weight43 g
Dimensions3.1 × 1.7 × 5 cm

Charisma & Attraction, Good Luck, Health, Protection, Spiritual Guidance, Wealth & Prosperity


Buddha, Monk