Phra Nang Phaya


• Phra Nang Phaya is part of the grand Benjapakee set.
• Enhances love, attraction, and relationships.
• Offers protection against dangers, accidents.
• Grants good luck and prosperity.
• Enhances charm and charisma.
• Provides spiritual guidance and blessings.
• Fosters harmony and positive energy.
• Grants wishes and fulfills desires.

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Phra Nang Phaya is known as the “Queen of amulets” and is a part of the Grand Benjapakee set. The triangular amulet portrays a Buddha in the subduing Mara posture (left-hand rests on the lap and palm facing up, right-hand bends over the knees and facing the ground, symbolising enlightenment and calm.
Phra Nang Phaya was created during the Ayutthaya era in Phitsanulok province. Queen Wisutkasat, the wife of King Mahathammarachathirat, created the amulet during B.E. 2106 (A.D.1563) when war broke out. The initial batch of Phra Nang Phaya was made during the warfare period; subsequently, the quality and aesthetic could have been better. However, the Phra Nang Phaya amulet is considered one of the most sacred amulets ever in Thailand. The amulets were mostly given out to the soldiers during the war for protection.
King Naresuan succeeded the throne in B.E. 2133 (A.D.1590) after his father passed away. After winning the war, King Naresuan announced the renovation of multiple temples, Wat Nang Phaya, Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat, and Wat Rajburana, which his parents built. King Naresuan also ordered the creation of the next batch of Phra Nang Phaya to give and protect the soldiers. The second batch of Phra Nang Phaya was much more alluring and well-made than the initial version. The rest of the amulets were then kept in the pagodas of the three temples, as mentioned above. The incantation ceremony of the amulets was held in Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat and blessed by many sacred monks.
The Phra Nang Phaya amulets were only discovered in Wat Nang Phaya after many centuries in B.E. 2444 (A.D.1901) in the King Rama V period. In preparation for the arrival of the King, renovations were made, and amulets in large numbers were found underground. Subsequently, the Phra Nang Phaya amulets were presented to the King, who gave some to his officials. At the same time, the remaining ones are brought back to Bangkok and kept in Wat Inthrawiharn.
Phra Nang Phaya amulets are highly desirable and popular among worshipers and collectors. It is suitable for its blessings, like protection from dangers, gaining respect from others, and boosting attractiveness.