Somdej Toh popularized the Katha Chinabanchorn. It is a sacred Katha that Somdej Toh received from a Sri Lankan monk. Somdej Toh edited and improved the original Katha making it easier to comprehend and pray. Katha Chinabanchorn is used for ceremonial chanting, the blessing of amulets, meditation, and protection. It is one of the most powerful ancient Katha as it invites the magical powers of many Buddhas and Phra Arahants. Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang amulets are blessed with this Katha by Somdej Toh and many senior monks. After that, Phra Somdej amulets were very popular and are known as the King of amulets.
Katha Chinabanchorn (Original):
1. Jeyasanagata Buddha, Jetawa Maram sawahanam Catu-saccasabham rasam, Ye pivinsu narasabha
2. Ta-nhan-karatayo Buddha, Atthavisati-nayaka Sabbe patithita maiham, Mathake te munissara
3. Sise patithito maiham, Buddho dhammo dawilo cane Sangho patithito maiham, Ure sabba-guna karo
4. Hataye me Anuruddho, Sariputto ca dakkhine Kondannio pitthi-bhagasamin, Mokgalano cawamake
5. Dakkhine sawane maiham, Asum Ananda-Rahulo Kassapo ca Mahanamo, Ubhasum wama-sotake
6. Kesanto pithi-bhagasamin, Suriyo wa pa-bhan-karo Nisinno siri-sampanno, So bhi to muni-pungavon
7. Kuma ra-kas sapo tehro, Ma he si cit ta-wa dako So maiham wadane nikam, Patithasi gunakaro
8. Punno Angulimalo ca, Upali Nanda-Sivali Tehra panca-ime janta, Nalate tilaka mama
9. Se sa si Thi-Mahatehra, Vijita jina sawaka Etesi ti-mahatehra, Jitawanto jitnorasa Ja lanta sila-tejena, Angamange Susanthida
10. Ratanam purato asi, Dakkhine Metta-suttakam Dhajhakam pachato asi, Wame Angulimalakam Khandha-Mora-parittanca, Atanatiya-suttakam Akase chadanam asi, Sesa pakara-santhita
11. Jinanana- wara -samyuta , Satta-pakara-lankata Wata-pittadi-sanjata, Bahirajjhattupaddava Asesa winayam yantu, Ananta-jina-tejasa
12. Wa..sato mesaki cche na, Sada Sambuddha-panjare Jina-panjara-mahjha-mhi, Wiharantam mahitale Sada palentu-mam sabbe, Teh maha-purisasabha
13. Ichevamanto sugutto surakho Jinanukbhave na-jitupadavo Dhammanubhave na-jitari-sangho Sangha nubhavena jitantarayo Saddhamma nubhava-palito, Carami jina-panjaray ti
Katha Chinabanchorn (English):
1. The Buddhas, the noble ones who drank the nectar of the Four Noble Truths, having defeated Mara and his army, mounted the seats of victory.
2. May the Buddhas, the twenty-eight Leaders, the sovereign sages beginning with Tanhankara, establish on the crown of my head.
3. May the Buddhas rest in my head, the Dharma in my eyes, and the Sangha – the source of all merits and virtues, in my chest.
4. May Anuraddha rest in my heart, Sariputta on my right, Kondanna behind me, and Moggallana on my left.
5. Ananda and Rahula in my right ear, Kassapa and Mohanama in my left ear.
6. At the back of my head rests the noble sage, the glorious Sobhita, whose radiant hair shines like the sun.
7. The fluent speaker, Ven. Kumara Kassapa, the source of merits and virtues, constantly sits in my mouth.
8. The center of my forehead is imprinted with auspicious marks of the Five Noble Elders – Punna, Angulimala, Upali, Nanda, and Sivali.
9. The other 80 Great Elders are the victors, disciples of the victorious Buddha, shining in the glory of their virtues, rest in the different parts of my body.
10. The Ratana Sutta is in front of me, and the Metta Sutta is to my right. The Dhajagga Sutta is behind me, and the Angulimala Paritta is to my left. The Khandha, Mora Parittas, and Atanatiya Sutta cover the space above me. The remaining Suttas and Parittas form a wall around me.
11. Bound by the power of the Victors surrounded by seven Dharma walls, may all the diseases brought by the wind, bile, etc., and the power of the infinite victories destroys the internal and external misfortunes.
12. As I dwell in all my affairs, always in the cage of the Self-Awakened One, living grounded amid the Victors, May I always be protected by all the great noble victors.
13. Thus, I am utterly well-protected. With the power of the victorious Buddha, all misfortunes are vanquished. With the power of the Dharma, all obstacles brought forth by the enemies are vanquished. With the power of the Sangha, all dangers are vanquished.
1. 诸佛端坐胜宝座,征服魔罗与魔军,是常饮四谛法露之人中圣者。
2. 以丹韩伽拉佛为首的二十八佛,乃引领世间的导师,一一立于我前顶。
3. 诸佛住于我头,法住于我双眸,而僧伽- 诸功德之源,住于我胸膛。
4. 阿那律陀在我心臟,舍利弗在我的右方,乔陈如在我的后方,目犍连在我的左方,
5. 阿难陀与罗侯罗在右耳方,迦叶与摩訶男在左耳方,
6. 于我头后方的是苏毘多,他头发放光如日照,具足光辉,乃至上贤圣者。
7. 善说心法的古摩洛迦叶长老,乃此功德之源,他常于我口中。
8. 般诺、盎哥魔罗、优波离、难陀、希瓦利这五位长老,化为吉祥之印从我额头中央现起。
9. 还有那其他的80位大长老,他们是胜者,是胜利的佛陀之弟子,戒德之光芒在绽放,立于我身体的每个部位。
10. 《宝经》在我前方,《慈经》在我右方,《幢顶经》在我后方,《盎哥罗魔护卫偈》在我左方。 《蕴护偈》、《孔雀护卫偈》与《阿达那提亚经》在虚空覆盖著,而其他的经偈则于我四周立成围墙。
11. 与各个至上之胜利结合,由七堵法墙围绕—— 愿风界与胆汁等所带来的疾病, 以及里里外外所有的不幸,凭著那无穷境的胜利,皆消灭无餘。
12. 于任何事,我皆常住于正觉之阵。 于胜者之阵的正中,住于这大地上, 愿这些所有伟大卓越的胜者恆常护佑我。
13. 如是,我完完全全地被善护卫。 凭著佛陀胜利之威力,消除所有困扰,凭著法的威力, 克服所有敌人所带来的阻碍,凭著僧伽的威力,越过所有危难。
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